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2226-4359 / 8873-0101


Ps Hd Squeak & Fetch Stick

¢11,618Código: 220103

Categoria: JUGUETES Tags:

Código: 220103

Ubicación: 3-G-9-3

espa;ol: Juguete divertido , diversión para su perro
Excite y entretenga a su perro con un perro squeaking Toy
Interactivo para perros es perfecto para jugar Fetch
Con textura para perros con un rebote impredecible hace divertida Playtime
Hecho de material de dog-friendly

ingles: Just toss, bounce, or squeak this whimsical stick dog toy to take platyime to the next level With its bouncy texture, natural stick shape, and irresistible squeak, the Squeak & Fetch Stick dog squeaky toy provides instant entertainment! Whether your dog wants to start a game of fetch with his humans or simply go squeak-crazy, this stick does the trick. Bring the HAPPY home with Happy Dogs hodgepodge of terrific dog toys