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2226-4359 / 8873-0101


Cartridge Bio-bag Xl 12 Unid %%

¢30,906Código: 826168

Categoria: VARIOS Tags: Peces,

Código: 826168

Ubicación: 2-C-3-1 y

Whisper Bio-Bag
Contiene 12 cartuchos extra grande
Ayuda a mantener el agua limpia y cristalina
Elimina los malos olores y la decoloracion
Practico y facil de instalar. Se recomienda cambiarlos una vez al mes o cuando el agua se comience a rebalsar.

Whisper Bio-Bag
Cartridges complete the Whisper Power Filter package for a clean, easy-to-maintain aquarium.
Filled with Ultra-Activated carbon, the ready-to-use disposable single packs remove waste particles, odors and discoloration, and are easily changed once a month.
It is recommended that you replace your Whisper Bio-Bag when water begins to overflow excessively from the Wonder Tube chamber.